Does your child deserve to be in a Grammar school?
There are a number of reasons why a student, suited to Grammar school education, may have missed the opportunity.

Being out of catchment, difficult circumstances at the time of writing the test, not having the right education support or simply being a late developer are just some of them.
If this has happened for your child it does not mean that it is the end of the process. Students are able to sit the late transfer test when they are in year 7 or year 8 to become eligible for a Grammar school place.
After passing the exam the student is then placed in a queue for a place in the chosen grammar schools. In practice the places available for entry at year 8 and 9 are much less than at year 7.
Education Options is a seasoned provider of late transfer courses spanning decades of GL-Assessment to CEM tests and delivering consistent passes for a large number of students. Our results have been averaging around 97%, with some years at 100%. Since the exam is new for 2020 our course will support the new exam fully. All course material and mocks will be in line with this new exam. Classes will be held in Aylesbury. The first lesson will be on 9/11/19.
Please share this information with friends and family who may be interested.
The course will be taught by Neil and Sunita.
Please get in touch to register interest so that we can provide you with further information.
Tel: 07817388046 CLICK HERE