The best 11+ education a child can have
Aylesbury, Milton Keynes
T: 07817 388046
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The best solution for your child
We provide tuition, assessment and education consultation services
11+ grammar school entrance to year 7
For generations, grammar schools have been a rich source of outstanding students entering universities. With its emphasis on academic rigour it is certainly not an option to overlook, especially for the able-bodied child, as the next step from primary education.
11+ Course Milton Keynes for exam in 2018
Our 11+ course provides ideal preparation for your child to enter a grammar school.
In the time your child is with us you will see improvements not only in their academic work at school but in their attitude to education.
As our focus is on development rather than just passing exams the approach to education will positively serve your child for the rest of their life.
Once you fill the form you will be invited to one of our Information Events.
This course is suitable if some of the below apply:
Your child is in year 4 currently
You live in or can travel to Milton Keynes for classes
You are looking for quality education support
Your child is being taught by a tutor but your child is not making progress
You are teaching your child but you are struggling
11+ Course Luton & Dunstable for exam in 2018
Our 11+ course provides ideal preparation for your child to enter a grammar school.
In the time your child is with us you will see improvements not only in their academic work at school but in their attitude to education.
As our focus is on development rather than just passing exams the approach to education will positively serve your child for the rest of their life.
Once you fill the form you will be invited to one of our Information Events.
This course is suitable if some of the below apply:
Your child is in year 4 currently
You live in or can travel to Luton/Dunstable for classes
You are looking for quality education support
Your child is being taught by a tutor but your child is not making progress
You are teaching your child but you are struggling
11+ Course Milton Keynes for exam in 2017
Our 11+ course provides ideal preparation for your child to enter a grammar school.
In the time your child is with us you will see improvements not only in their academic work at school but in their attitude to education.
As our focus is on development rather than just passing exams the approach to education will positively serve your child for the rest of their life.
This course is suitable if some of the below apply:
Your child is in year 5 currently
You live in or can travel to Milton Keynes for classes
You are looking for quality education support
Your child is being taught by a tutor but your child is not making progress
You are teaching your child but you are struggling
11+ Course Luton & Dunstable for exam in 2017
Our 11+ course provides ideal preparation for your child to enter a grammar school.
In the time your child is with us you will see improvements not only in their academic work at school but in their attitude to education.
As our focus is on development rather than just passing exams the approach to education will positively serve your child for the rest of their life.
This course is suitable if some of the below apply:
Your child is in year 5 currently
You live in or can travel to Luton /Dunstable for classes
You are looking for quality education support
Your child is being taught by a tutor but your child is not making progress
You are teaching your child but you are struggling
Assessment and Education guidance services
As parents, we all need guidance, especially when it comes to raising children and Education is a big part. Sometimes it can be all bewildering. This is where Education Options comes in.
Assessment and Education Guidance services
We will look at your individual circumstances to advise the best course forward for your child’s education. There are a myriad of situation that can challenge parents and often there is nowhere to turn to for help. We have found in the past that our involvement has been a life changing event for families.
This service is suitable if some of the below apply:
You have recently moved into Bucks area and you are unsure of education provision
Your child appears to be gifted
Your child appears to be struggling academically
The family has undergone upheaval affecting education
Late Transfer Grammar entrance to Year 8 & 9
There is an option for your child to be tested for Late Transfer to a grammar school. There may be a variety of reasons for you to consider this – including the fact that not all children develop at the same rate.
12+ & 13+ or Late Transfer Course Milton Keynes
We have a track record of helping children who enter the secondary school in year 8 or year 9. We always work to raise the child's education level so that they deserve to be in a grammar school rather than aiming at making them just pass the exam.
This course is suitable if some of the below apply:
You did not know about grammar schools when your child was in Year 5
Your child is a late developer and you want to give them the opportunity
You missed the 11+ due to relocation
Your child did not do well enough at 11+
Your child did not do well enough at 11+ and they need a boost in their self-confidence
Your child is capable but did not get the right support at 11+
Mock tests
As one of the first companies to introduce mock testing for our students we understand the value of providing what they will experience on the day. Following a period of foundation building, mock testing is the icing on the cake.
Mock Tests
From time to time we make our market leading mock tests available to a limited number of external students.
This service is suitable if some of the below apply:
You want to know where your child is with their preparation
You want your child to do a mock test that is developed by teachers
Your child is being taught by a tutor and you want a second opinion
You want the best quality testing for your child
You want to give your child variety in testing
You want to know how your child performs compared to over hundreds of students
You want to avoid poor mock tests
You want to avoid generic national tests which are totally inappropriate for the Bucks test
You are looking for good value
Entrance to Independent Schools and other selective State Schools
The routes to a good education are as varied as differences in children’s personalities. There are some outstanding independent schools that may be the best fit for your child. You will end up with a happy child who will flourish in the right setting.
Entrance to Independent and State Schools
We have a high level of success in helping children get places in various independent schools. These students have achieved scholarships which in some cases have been substantial. It is very satisfying for us when our students achieve entrance to schools where the competition is fierce.
There are some state schools who grant a limited number of places to students outside the catchment area subject to a selection test.
In all cases our strong 11+ programme provides the starting foundation. This is the reason why we do not focus just on passing the CEM or GL exam. It is a reminder of just how strong our 11+ program is.
This course is suitable if some of the below apply:
Your child simply wants to attend a selective independent or state school they like (apart from a grammar school)
Your child is a high achiever and you think they could achieve a scholarship
Your child is gifted in a particular sport or skill such as playing an instrument and you want an environment for them develop
Including the academics you are attracted by the all round development that some schools provide
Regardless of academics you want to give your child the opportunity for extra curricular development and attention that some schools offer
Some schools are prestigious and for valid reasons. You want to give your child the opportunity to go to such a school
Foundation development Year 4
Working hand in hand with the schools to ensure steady development in a child is key to success in education. It is all about ensuring that no child is left behind or misses vital building blocks which can become sources of misery at school.
Foundation Development Year 4
A close understanding of primary education is required to know what to teach in year 4 and to pitch the pace and work at the right levels. There is a chance to plug gaps in the understanding and develop a solid foundation to build on.
This course is suitable if some of the below apply:
Your child will be starting Year 4 in September 2017
Your child is struggling at school
Your child is doing well at school but has some weak areas
You want to give extra support apart from the school work