The best 11+ education a child can have
Aylesbury, Milton Keynes
T: 07817 388046
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Mock Exams
Students who are not our course can also benefit from our high quality Mock Exams.
Reasons for choosing Education Options Mock Exams:
You want to know where your child is with their preparation
Your child is being taught by a tutor and you want a second opinion
You want the best quality testing for your child
You want to give your child variety in testing
You want to know how your child performs compared to over hundreds of students
You want to avoid poor mock tests
You want to avoid generic national tests which are totally inappropriate for the Bucks test
You are looking for good value
All our mock papers contain original material developed by Education Options' expert team.
Each paper benefits from extensive care taken to reflect the final Bucks exam in terms of level, mix of types of questions and balance
Just like the final exam children are directed by an audio for conducting the exam
Just like the final exam the papers are auto marked to avoid mistakes in marking by humans
You get a detailed report highlighting areas of strengths and weaknesses providing guidance as to the next course of action for you child
You know how your child has done compared to standards for 'on target' and 'high achievers'